Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dead Man's Party

Dead Man’s Party
Written- By Jeff Marsick
Illustrated- Scott Barnett
Publisher- www.MulhollandBooks.com

The Hook- A hit man is told by a doctor he is going to die.  So he decides to go out swinging and puts a hit out on himself for millions. Apparently it something done regularly in the high paid hit men filled to point is had a name referred to as A DEAD MAN’S PARTY. But wait there is a TWIST. He finds out his doctor been killed, and that he wasn’t on Death’s door After all. He wants to call it off but hitmen go by a very strict NO TAKES BACK rule. And now he much fight off an army of hitmen, and figure out who killed them

I read two issues. The story is drawn black and white and pretty well written. It has a realistic look, very smooth line and thick ink. It is drawn and paneled out with a very cinematic vibe.  This may be a spec script for a movie because it written likes that with action scene that could fit into a movie with a rather modest budget. In car chases, cool kills, and some cool dialogue. It a pretty sweet kill with an Iphone in one scene. Of course it runs into the normal issues of the genre. I never really brought why he could call it off, by just moving some money around so they wouldn’t get if even if they killed him. Anytime they make that explanation it sounds fishy. Also like most stories of this type it in a world with no cops. Or if they are cops they have the skill of the cop from the Cookie Crisp commercials. But they avoid the normal hurdles of these things. The hitmen aren’t making pop culture references. Also they don’t try to soften him up by saying “Yea he may kill people for money but he spends all that money on Orphans. Granted there orphans because he killed their parents but still”. Although, he is mostly going after other bad guys so you don’t hate him. He hasn’t shot a kid or anything yet to make you go against him too much. It is not really that much of a morality tale. They just pushed you into a story real quick and let you enjoy the ride and it’s a good ride.

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