Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Curves and Bullets

Curves & Bullets
Written- Keith Mccleary
Drawn-  Rodoflo Ledesma
Publisher- BD
The Hook- Imagine if Russ Meyer wrote Mad Max, while hopped on and Red Bull and had a LOL CAT fetish and you have a pretty good idea of what this movie would be. In the future, multiple gangs fight in a desert life for power. We follow a gang of hot barely dress babes, that fight Cat people on Biker, and then a cyber that looks like a Silver Elvis

One thing you got to accept is it has a very little plot. And the Plot they do have is dumb as all get out. It’s fun but dumb.  That said it’s a very fun but short ride. The art is very colorful like they just dump every Crayon in the box on the page. It had tons of red and, blue, oranges. The designs are very cartoony with them giving cheese cake poses, and wearing outlandish gear. One girl has clown face tattoos on her breast (just like my dear old Grand ma). There a lot of women dress in Fetish gear and driving crazy vehicles. The dialogue reminds me of a B movie. There is a lot of women talking trash and acting tough. That said the cartoonish kind of takes away most of the tension. Lot of people die and you’re like “meh”. Also, it really hard to distinguish the character from each other besides their outfits

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